Alleviating Matthew Effect of Offline Reinforcement Learning in Recommendation


Offline reinforcement learning (RL), a technology that offline learns a policy from logged data without the need to interact with online environments, has become a favorable choice in decision-making processes like interactive recommendation. Offline RL faces the value overestimation problem. To address it, existing methods employ conservatism, e.g., by constraining the learned policy to be close to behavior policies or punishing the rarely visited state-action pairs. However, when applying such offline RL to recommendation, it will cause a severe Matthew effect, i.e., the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, by promoting popular items or categories while suppressing the less popular ones. It is a notorious issue that needs to be addressed in practical recommender systems. In this paper, we aim to alleviate the Matthew effect in offline RL-based recommendation. Through theoretical analyses, we find that the conservatism of existing methods fails in pursuing users’ long-term satisfaction. It inspires us to add a penalty term to relax the pessimism on states with high entropy of the logging policy and indirectly penalizes actions leading to less diverse states. This leads to the main technical contribution of the work: Debiased model-based Offline RL (DORL) method. Experiments show that DORL not only captures user interests well but also alleviates the Matthew effect. The implementation is available via

In SIGIR 2023 Best Paper Honorable Mention


  title = {Alleviating Matthew Effect of Offline Reinforcement Learning in Interactive Recommendation},
  author = {Gao, Chongming and Huang, Kexin and Chen, Jiawei and Zhang, Yuan and Li, Biao and Jiang, Peng and Wang, Shiqi and Zhang, Zhong and He, Xiangnan},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
  series = {SIGIR '23},
  location = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3539618.3591636},
  numpages = {11},
  year = {2023}
Chongming Gao
Chongming Gao
高崇铭 博士后
Kexin Huang
Kexin Huang
Xiangnan He
Xiangnan He
何向南 教授