3D-MoLM: Towards 3D Molecule-Text Interpretation in Language Models


Language Models (LMs) have greatly influenced diverse domains. However, their inherent limitation in comprehending 3D molecular structures has considerably constrained their potential in the biomolecular domain. To bridge this gap, we focus on 3D molecule-text interpretation, and propose 3D-MoLM: 3D-Molecular Language Modeling. Specifically, 3D-MoLM enables an LM to interpret and analyze 3D molecules by equipping the LM with a 3D molecular encoder. This integration is achieved by a 3D molecule-text projector, bridging the 3D molecular encoder’s representation space and the LM’s input space. Moreover, to enhance 3D-MoLM’s ability of cross-modal molecular understanding and instruction following, we meticulously curated a 3D molecule-centric instruction tuning dataset – 3D-MoIT. Through 3D molecule-text alignment and 3D molecule-centric instruction tuning, 3D-MoLM establishes an integration of 3D molecular encoder and LM. It significantly surpasses existing baselines on downstream tasks, including molecule-text retrieval, molecule captioning, and more challenging open-text molecular QA tasks, especially focusing on 3D-dependent properties.

In ICLR 2024


    title={3D-MoLM: Towards 3D Molecule-Text Interpretation in Language Models},
    author={Li, Sihang and Liu, Zhiyuan and Luo, Yanchen and Wang, Xiang and He, Xiangnan and Kawaguchi, Kenji  and Chua, Tat-Seng and Tian, Qi},
Sihang Li
Sihang Li
Yanchen Luo
Yanchen Luo
Xiang Wang
Xiang Wang
王翔 教授
Xiangnan He
Xiangnan He
何向南 教授